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Showing posts from November, 2019

50 Surprising Statistics Every Healthcare Stakeholder Must Know

The US is spending more than double the amount of the average healthcare expense of 33 OECD countries around the globe. Around $3.4 trillion was spent on healthcare in 2017. Yet we cannot claim the spendings are sufficient, as there are still millions of people who are living without insurance coverage and proper health care. The US healthcare industry is dynamic and changing at a rapid pace. To thrive and grow, every healthcare stakeholder should be able to set the direction of the healthcare system as per their needs. Understanding and analyzing healthcare statistics becomes imperative. OSP thrives on helping healthcare stakeholders with smart healthcare statistics and insights. Here are 50 Insane Statistics Every Healthcare Stakeholder Must Know: The average spending to process 30 billion healthcare transactions stands at $250 billion each year due to poor communication technology. 2.     There is over 50% referral leakage in an average healthcare system. 3.    Over 60% of